This private puppy training option is very popular with owners of new pups or young dogs. Typically, the first session is at your home. The second session is held at a local home improvement center for environmental imprinting. This is very important for the proper development of pups and young dogs and should be done well before the 6-month mark. The third puppy training session is based on what the dog needs. Sometimes we’ll have a small group dog training class or work at a local school yard, rail trail, etc. This is a great little package that will lay the foundation for all future work, and it will save you a few bucks. The cost of the private session “puppy 3-pack” is $455.00


This training option is very popular with owners of new pups or young dogs. Typically, the first session is at your home. The second session is held at a local home improvement center for environmental imprinting. This is very important for the proper development of pups and young dogs and should be done well before the 6-month mark. The third session is based on what the dog needs. Sometimes we’ll have a small group class or work at a local school yard, rail trail, etc. This is a great little package that will lay the foundation for all future work, and it will save you a few bucks. The cost of the private session “puppy 3-pack” is $455.00